As a girl, I may be able to give you some advice. I myself am just 16 years old and have been in the same delima, but obviously reversed. This guy was really sweet and he said he loved me on the first phone call!!! I was so nervous so I said i loved him back. So many times I was nervous about what to do in certain situations, but I finally realized that I could just relax and enjoy the ride. Eventually, it didnt work out and we broke up, but suprisingly are really good friends now. Even if your heart gets broken, it is truly better to love and lose then to never have loved beforeI need advice asap...I like this girl we're both 14 and she wants to go out with me and she says I'm cute?
if you are a girl, then stop right there and dont go with her if you arent, then learn how to stop being nervous or scared, get her number, talk with her and go together
not always just try it out but tell her u wanna take things slow!
go for it! if she likes u this much, definitly do it!!! and do be afraid! and if something bad ever happens, it will all turn out for a good thing in the end. dont worry about it !
Sweetie, if you like her and she likes you, things will work out. Just remember, it takes two to hold a relationship. Just do whatever your heart tells you to do. That's people's problem......they just don't trust their own hearts. They go with whatever their minds and society tell them to do. I know this sounds extremely corny but its true....i know from experience.
Have you KNOWN her for a long while, is she nice to you, does she like YOU and not just your body? If yes to most of those questions, then if i were you, i would give it a try. Don't be nervous (i know its hard) just go with the flow. Compliment the little things you notice about her and buy her little gifts every now and then.
Take it slow. Ask her to hang out with you, just as friends, and see if you both like the feeling. If you do, then ask her out. If she likes you then there's no reason to be nervous. good luck!
ok first thing to do is calm ur nerves by doing this- do something as a big group like 6 or 7 people like see a movie or go to the mall, while having fun talk with her and really dont think about it as a date more of just having fun
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