Wednesday, December 23, 2009

I have this huge crush on a girl and I need advice?

theres this girl i first met last summer. she was working in a video store. I got a serious vibe she was crushin on me, and i got a huge crush on her too. i talked to her and everything. we both got so nervous the whole thing got really akward. so i wound up moving and havent gone there in four mothhs. but i still want her so bad. what should i do??????????????? i dont even kno if she still works there or what. help!I have this huge crush on a girl and I need advice?
Go there and be as frickin awkward as you have to. Just do it!I have this huge crush on a girl and I need advice?
Go for it! Just go in and rent a movie, if she is there say hi, introduce yourself, just play it cool. Hint at a new movie (in theaters only) that you have really been wanting to see but your friends have been to busy to go. something like that, smile, after the first talk it gets much easier :)
Go rent a movie and maybe you could talk to her again. It's okay to be nervous, it means that she probably likes you too. =) Good luck!
First find out if she still works there. then ask her a question about a movie to strike up a conversation, then try changing the subject to ask her about herself or what she likes and go from there.

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