Sunday, December 27, 2009

Just found out I'm having a baby girl. I'm a little nervouse any advice

I thought I was going to have a boy, just because I seemed to be cursed with them. I have 6 brothers, and my parents fosterd boys and I lived with 13 of them being the only girl. I know how to take care of baby boys, and I know what to expect. But I don't know anything about girls. How different are they from baby boys, and is there anything I should know?

Your help is apreciated. Just found out I'm having a baby girl. I'm a little nervouse any advice
I have three daughters, but I grew up with a family full of boys!! I have 3 brothers and almost all boy cousins! I didn't know what it was like to have girls around all the time.

Get ready for drama! They are all about it! They will cry when you brush their hair or won't let them wear make-up out in public (because they put it on theirselves and they look like they fell in a bucket of paint!) They will hate you when they can't have their little friends over for play dates all the time! Some love to get dirty and some will cringe!

They love dolls and dress up. They will constantly drill you on everything in life. They love to argue and torment one another and YOU!!

But all in all I love each of my girls. They will cry when they are hurt and they will want mommy to love them. They want to go shopping with mommy and help you cook. It's a blessing to be able to have them while they are small and will let you dress them! So make sure to cherish the moments that you can fix their hair and pick their clothes!!Just found out I'm having a baby girl. I'm a little nervouse any advice
Aren't you a girl? Don';t worry about what sex she is love and nurture work on both sexes I have 6 children my boys play ball go trecking in the woods and all come in and play house with sisters and thier sisters allplay ball and catch frogs just be you shell be just fine.
baby girls are blessings!!! girls are neater,smarter,and listen to you more so have fun with her!

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